Apollo 11 anniversary activities

International Year of Astronomy 2009
Malta Committee


Commemoration of Apollo 11’s fortieth anniversary


1 Inauguration of the restored Kennedy memorial at Salina, St Paul’s Bay
The Hon Minister George Pullicino

Talk on Astronomy by Mr Leonard Ellul Mercer

Talk on Apollo and man on the moon by Dr Gordon Caruana Dingli


2 Moon for all Mankind image.

The moon was imaged from 40 countries form all five continents to form a collage of images of the moon, in the spirit of Apollo 11’sexploration of the moon “We came in peace for all Mankind”


3 Seminar at Zabbar Sanctuary Museum (talks in Maltese)

Fl-okkażjoni tas-Sena Internazzjonali tal-Astronomija 2009, ser tittella' wirja ta' ritratti astronomiċi meħudin minn Malta fil-Mużew tas-Santwarju, Ħaż-Żabbar.

Din is-sena timmarka wkoll l-40 anniversarju mill-inżul tal-bniedem fuq
il-Qamar, kif ukoll l-400 sena minn meta Galileo Galilei tefa ħarstu fuq
il-pjaneti Ġove u Saturnu permezz tat-teleskopji tiegħu.

Ser jiġu organizzati wkoll numru ta' attivitajiet relatati, fl-istess post,
kif ġej:

3 ta' Lulju 2009 - 07.30pm
Ftuħ tal-wirja u wiri ta' vidjo dwar in-Nebulae u l-Galassji, minn Leonard
Ellul Mercer. Wara jkun hemm osservazzjoni tal-pjaneta Saturnu mill-pjazza,
bl-użu tat-teleskopji.

10 ta' Lulju 2009 - 07.30pm 
Taħdita bl-isem "Galileo Galilei -  ħajtu u ħidmietu"
minn Alexei Pace. 
17 ta' Lulju 2009 - 07.30pm 
Taħdita minn Paul Xuereb dwar l-Inżul tal-bniedem fuq il-Qamar bl-Apollo 11. 
24 ta' Lulju 2009 - 07.30pm 
Taħdita minn Dott Gordon Caruana Dingli dwar it-tellieqa spazjali u 
l-missjonijiet Amerikani u Russi lejn il-Qamar 
31 ta' Lulju 2009 - 07.30pm 
Taħdita mill-Professur Frank Ventura bl-isem "Galileo Galilei u l-qawmien tax-xjenza moderna" kif ukoll 
osservazzjoni bit-teleskopji tal-Qamar li jkun jumejn wara l-ewwel kwart. 

Kulħadd huwa mistieden għal dawn l-attivitajiet li d-dħul għalihom huwa bla



4 Seminar on Astronomy and Science in the Media

The Astronomical Society of Malta together with the Tumas Fenech
Foundation for Education in Journalism and the Institute of Maltese
Journalists shall be organising a half-day seminar on the theme of
Astronomy and Science in the Media, during the International Year of

This seminar shall also be held on the occasion of the International
Year of Astronomy. The International Year of Astronomy 2009(IYA2009)
is a global effort initiated by the International Astronomical Union
(IAU) and UNESCO to help the citizens of the world rediscover their
place in the Universe through the day- and night-time sky, and thereby
engage a personal sense of wonder and discovery.

Everyone should realise the impact of astronomy and other fundamental
sciences on our daily lives, and understand how scientific knowledge
can contribute to a more equitable and peaceful society. IYA2009
activities are taking place locally, nationally, regionally and
internationally. National Nodes in each country are running activities
throughout 2009 which will establish collaborations between
professional and amateur astronomers, science centres and science
communicators, involving 141 countries around the world.

During this seminar an international project “Moon for all Mankind”
will be launched. This project involves several countries around the
world in order to photograph the moon in the spirit of Apollo 11 “in
peace for all mankind”. The final collage of images of the moon and
an animated feature will then be distributed around the world as
collaboration between the different countries taking part.

This seminar shall be held on Saturday 4 July 2009, at the Halland
Hotel, Tal-Ibraġġ and the programme shall be as follows:

09:00 - Session 1 - Introduction to astronomy – Alexei Pace
09:35 - Session 2 - Bad astronomy in the media – David Pace
10:10 - Session 3 - The Apollo Missions – Gordon Caruana Dingli
10:45 - Session 4 - Presentation on the Moon for all Mankind
initiative by Leonard Ellul Mercer
11:30 End of seminar



5 Film Festival at St James Cavalier Valletta

‘we choose to go to the moon’, Apollo 11 40th Anniversary

at St James Cavalier, Valletta cinema

Free entrance to the general public


The International Year of Astronomy 2009 Malta Committee with the co-operation of the Embassy of the United States of America  and St James Centre for Creativity.


Tuesday 21st July 2009 7.30pm


Leonard Ellul-Mercer, music by Lynn Faure, 2009, 10 minutes



from the HBO series “From the earth to the moon”

narrated by Tom Hanks, 2006, 54 minutes


Wednesday 22nd July 2009 7.30pm


Part 1: Are we alone? Part 2: Is anybody listening?

1999, running time 110 minutes


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